mercoledì 31 agosto 2011

Kris Kremo Act

I never saw this video online, and then i decided to upload it!
This one is a little gift to evry fans of kris kremo.

I dont know where he performed here, or when. maybe someone else knows!

Ervin Steiner, Juggler from 1958

I found this video online, he's an awesome juggler. i dont know where is from.

Chinese on bycicle, motobike and car

When i saw the first time this video, i thought, chinese are crazy! but i really love this video! is incredible, specialy the part with bycicle, and car!

Tomorrow something different, no more chinese for some days!

martedì 30 agosto 2011

Chinese Jugglers

Interessing juggling show from 1959, all of thing remember me the Gandini stuff.
The second part its more interessing then first. For me there is a precursors of prechac notation.

Enjoy it

Chinese acrobats on bycicles

This video shows an amazing act of acrobatic bycycle from 1959 China.
I really like to see something like this know from some good acrobats on bycicle! I hope can help some one with this video!

Chinese Clowns

This is a Clown / eccentric acrobatic act of a chinese duo from 1959.
They look like Jacky Chan, maybe he ispired from chinese stuff.

thanks to Franklin for the video.

Rafael De Carlo

This is a performance of the cuban juggler Rafael De Carlo, at the XII edition of the Cirque du Demain.

Special thanks for the video to Javi Jimenez and Carampa circus school.

lunedì 29 agosto 2011

Ant Platas

This is a performance at 1st Convention of Juggling in Spain

In the end of 2006 Antonio Francisco Platas turning 75, but its not in condition to
appreciate it, we want to give to him another tribute from El Ambidextro. Platas was our
inspiratory, our friend and our teacher.
Thanks to him for our first circus enthusiasm and his company was always a big energy for our

Antonio Francisco Platas born 24th dicembre 1930 in Madrid. At 9 he start to practice with
three pool balls, animated from his uncle Chaliyò, circus clown on bycicle.
He debuted at 11, in Taborra, a little town of Albacete. His first teacher was Claliyo, but
he get a lot of ispiration from Egea, the portugues Manhisok, the phenomenom Felovis and an
incrible Bela Kremo.

In 1947 he woked with his brother Volantin (tightrope walker) at Circus Price.
From then, Ant Platas worked a lot for all of Spain, in theater, cinema, bull place an circus.

Ant Platas show was spectacular, beautiful and emotional. With tennis rackets was, the first to juggle with 6 rackets in the air, and his devil stick with sword, would show us an imaginary fight with himself.
He used also awata, most known as mouthstick, paperboard rings covered with silver paper, clubs and cigarboxes.

Ant Plata's clubs were made of wood and cork as shown in the picture.

For the public, Ant Platas exploted to enter on stage. He enjoyed sharing his art, maybe
this ability of communicate and his own symphaty, humanity and joy his best quality.

6th dicember 1997, we made an Ant Platas Tribute in Madrid, to collect money to pay what was missing for him retirement.

The last time we saw him, he didnt recognize himself in the his show at screen.
"This.. i was doing this, something similar i was doing" he told. If you didnt remember, we'll
remember you for sure, and we'll do all of possible to let others know who you are. For us,
the best.

Javi Jimenez,
Ambidextro n°40

This is a performance at 3rd Convention of Juggling in Spain

A special thanks to the Circus School Carampa (Madrid) and Javi Jimenez for this video and club.


Hello! I am a juggler from Italy and I LOVE the circus. Especially circus from the past...
I have created  this blog to share, with other circus fan, many videos that I've collected in these years, so everyone can enjoy and be amazed as I am. I'm trying to upload only unseen videos.
Requests are welcome and accepted and I'm looking forward for any advice to improve this blog.
thanks and let's go with the awesomness!!!
